Deploying Interactive Holograms in Convention and Commericial Settings

by | Dec 22, 2022 | Science and Technology

A majority of current generation holographic displays are essentially static. While they might incorporate animation and even sound in their design, they’re incapable of responding to an outside stimulus. Some organizations have employed dedicated hologram operators in order to give them a greater level of interactivity, but this more or less makes them into electronic puppets. Enterprising convention and commercial display operators are now starting to incorporate genuine interactive hologram technology into their work, which helps to provide a much greater degree of autonomy.

Users of interactive hologram technology are able to program their displays to perform certain tasks whenever they’re given a specific input. This makes them much closer to conventional computer programs that feature user interface elements. It’s not possible for a programmer to consider every potential type of input, but that doesn’t mean convention booths that rely on interactive hologram technology put on a stodgy show in any way.

Rather, skillful holography experts have cut down the interfaces that people use to interact with these holograms in order to make them feel much less limited. While it might seem like an oxymoron, a more limited interface will actually make the overall experience feel more full. That’s because potential leads who view a presentation won’t be able to put a hologram into any situation that would make it obvious that people are interacting with a simulation.

Game developers are likely to adopt a similar approach once they begin to deploy the same kind of technology in their booths.

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