Find Out More About The Ki67 Antibody

by | Jun 27, 2017 | Science and Technology

The Ki67 antibody is considered a nuclear protein, expressed in proliferating cells. It is expressed during the late G1-, M-, S-, and G2-phases of the cell’s cycle while the cells in the G0 phase are negative. It is designed to be used for research online and has no available clone. The immunogen is the synthetic peptide derived from the human protein of the same name and the C-terminus. The isotype is the Rabbit IgG, and it has an undetermined epitope. The molecular weight is 345 and 395 kDa.

More Information About Applications

The Ki67 antibody has been tested on humans. It is designed to be used with Immunohistochemistry (IHC) applications. The procedure includes preparing the specimens using a paraffin-embedded or Formalin-fixed tissue. Deparaffinized slides are essential and should include the use of graded alcohols or xylene and its alternatives.

You can find a concentrated version of this product but will be required to dilute it using a ratio of one to 300. You can also find a pre-diluted version.

Once it has been diluted appropriately, you should boil the section of tissue using a 10mM citrate buffer with a pH of 6.0 for approximately 10 minutes. Then, you should allow it to cool for 20 minutes until it reaches room temperature. Incubation periods are 10 minutes while at room temperature.

The positive control is the tonsil, breast carcinoma, and lymph node. Cellular localization occurs in the nucleus.

Purchase Options

You will find that this product can be found in a variety of sizes and formulations. The pre-diluted version comes in 7.0ml in an appropriate buffer. You can also find 0.1ml, 1.0ml, and 0.5ml versions that must be diluted appropriately before use.

The Ki67 antibody can be used for a variety of research purposes. Visit Spring Bioscience now to learn more.

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