Going Solar for New Jersey Homes Can Lead to Improved Quality of Life

by | Feb 4, 2020 | Solar

  1. Not only does solar energy offer lower costs than traditional methods for generating power, it also leads to an improved quality of life for your own household and your New Jersey community. Instead of receiving power from coal fired plants that release massive amounts of greenhouse gas, you could generate all the power your community n’eeds with solar. Coal power plants can also cause irreparable damage to your community’s source of fresh water. So, instead of relying on massive corporations to provide power to your community, either invest in your own personal solar panels or join a community solar project.

How can I Product My Own Solar Power?

With the recent advancements in the efficiency of solar panels in NJ, you can enjoy the benefits of solar power for your own home at an affordable price. You can choose between standard solar panels outside of your house, roof-mounted solar panels, or solar shingles or tiles on your roof. Any one of these options provide you with a renewable source of energy that can last upwards of twenty years.

New Jersey offers extensive benefits when you install solar on your household or property. First, they offer full exemption from New Jersey’s 7% sales tax for any solar installation. Second, when you install solar on your household or property, you receive a complete exemption from all local property taxes. Finally, you can benefit from the Solar Renewable Energy Credit to actually make money off of your solar installation while the incentive lasts. So, if you’re looking to save money through solar energy, you could not be in a better place than New Jersey.

Renewable Solar Community Projects

A great way to join the solar power movement is to join a local solar power community project. These projects work by collecting funding from people in your local community to purchase a bulk amount of solar panels. Then, you distribute the energy back to your local utilities. Your local utilities provide you and all participants a credit based on how much energy your community solar panels generated for use on your energy bills. This can be a great way to get your community involved in solar powered energy as well as disperse the costs of solar while enjoying an economy of scale.

At the end of 2019, New Jersey’s Board of Public Utilities approved 45 community solar projects as part of Community Solar Energy Pilot Program. These 45 projects are expected to generate enough electricity to power over 15,000 homes in low to moderate income areas. Governor Murphy looks to develop more community solar projects in the coming future as a method to achieve his 100% clean energy by 2050 initiative. So, if you believe your local New Jersey community would benefit from a community solar project, now is the time to get the ball rolling. You can start by filling out the application form and building community momentum to back your application. 

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