Delivering quality care in your mental health practice is more dependent than ever on software solutions for the continuity of care. Keeping impeccable records within your practice using behavioral health EMR software is the best way to manage your patient load and care issues with accuracy.
Don’t confuse the EMR (Electronic Medical Record) with the EHR (Electronic Health Record)—the two are completely different things. EHRs are a comprehensive patient history to be shared among providers across a spectrum of care. EMRs are essentially the replacement for all those paper charts in the provider’s office, and are largely used internally when dealing directly with the patient. This is especially important in a mental health clinic or recovery center setting because it provides a patient history within that facility as opposed to a more wide-ranging scope of information from the health history of the patient.
Challenges Unique to Mental Health Care Providers
Continuity of care is important, but detailed charts for your patients are needed to provide better care in the clinical setting. Knowing about their therapy, medicines, and other internal aspects of care can keep everyone on their mental health care team updated and focused. LIkewise, billing issues can be addressed on the same page as care. Mental health patients have particular challenges in treatment for their conditions or for addictions, and everyone needs to be on the same page.
Keep it Simple
Lots of bells and whistles don’t make for better software. Simplicity and intuitive use are the best bet for getting staff on the same page. Getting a grip on outreach, intake, medication management, and billing is critical to providing seamless care. Don’t let anyone fall through the gaps, help your clients and staff with top of the line EMR software solutions today!